Disc Five

Disc Five is a poster series that shows the different throws of the sport, Ultimate Frisbee, and how to do them. Seven posters for seven different throws: Backhand, Forehand, Hammer throw, Scoober, Thumber, Push-Pass and a Blade. These seven throws will most commonly come up in a game of Ultimate Frisbee. In five illustrated steps, anyone can learn how to throw a Frisbee; an essential skill to play Ultimate Frisbee. These posters are not only to inform about the throws but to get people excited to try to throw a Frisbee. Or even better, go straight into Ultimate Frisbee. The posters are also meant to communicate the fact that anyone can play the sport. Even though it does help, no one needs be fit as a football player to enjoy. Getting involved in the Ultimate Frisbee community and meeting a variety of people on one field. Disc Five wants it to be all about the experience.




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